About Chandler

I think my love for food first started when I was a little kid, barely being able to see above the counter. My Abuela would cook for my family every day I can remember. Every time my mom dropped me off at her house, my Abuela was either cooking for everyone or we were playing dominos together. She used to have me taste everything as she cooked, and if I’m being completely honest, it was still some of the best food I can remember eating. As the afternoon passed, her sons and her older grandkids would stop by one by one to take home food for their families. They would say their “Hellos,” take the food in a take-out style container, and be on their way with smiles on their faces. This was my beginning of loving food.

Blasting into the future I started cooking meals for myself at home if my mom had to work late, or would cook for both of us if she was sick. It all started out with easy meals, nothing crazy, yet would satisfy my inner child. As the years went by I actually stopped cooking, later starting up again in high school. When I went to high school ‘Tasty’ was launched I believe with Buzzfeed, which started the chain of requests from my sisters. Basically anything that required more effort than a mom wants to make after an entire day of working, was asked of me. I definitely enjoyed being asked to make food, it was a great way to connect with my siblings.

I could rant on and on about how I’ve gained more confidence in my cooking but I’ll save you the time! I want to make people smile when they eat my food, that feeling that you get when you go out and have a nice dinner. My goal is to give you that satisfaction when you have your meals at home. Maybe your kids are growing up and all they keep asking you is for frozen staples, top ramen, pizza, you name it! One of my favorite things my daughter eats is my Chicken Katsu, something you typically order out I’ve turned into a fun activity to make at home. She always asked to help in the kitchen be it doing the dishes. mixing the veggies with the seasoning, if she can reach it you better believe she’ll help out. I have managed to get my daughter excited about the food I make her. I have no doubt in my mind that you have your kids excited for dinners, but have YOU been as excited to come home for dinner? Or having leftovers for lunch? Not having to do the dishes? I know I would be happier if the kitchen just cleaned itself. Let me take some weight of your shoulders!